
关于在哪里停车有什么问题吗, traffic fines or payment can be taken care of at this location. 停车服务 is in 学生 Financial Services, located at Northrup Hall room 108 and can be reached by calling 210-999-7001.


交通管制和执法是巡逻部门的责任,违规行为将受到大学的处罚. Although the University is on private property, all drivers are required to abide by motor vehicle laws for the State of Texas. 对于任何违反州和地方法律的行为,可能会发出贝尔县的传票,而不是TUPD的传票.

Parking on campus throughout the year 7 days a week is by permit only. Parking lot restrictions are in effect between the hours of 7:30 a.m. 还有5p.m. 下午5点以后.m., vehicles are authorized to park in other parking lots, 张贴的标志所指明的地段或空位除外。. 当教师, 教职员工和学生都在校园内停车, 他们必须目前已登记,并有他们的许可证,适当地显示在任何时候.




在消防车道停车, 黄/白色条纹区域, 人行道/人行道, 禁止在草地或未铺砌的地区,并将导致发出传票,车辆将被拖走,费用由车主承担. 




TUPD is responsible for closing campus roads or redirecting traffic when necessary. 如遇特殊事件,校园内的泊车安排可能会暂时中断. 在那段时间里, 虽然停车场有限, 我们要求您按照停车和交通规则停车,不要移动锥形路障. Vehicles found in violation will be fined and/or towed.



所有车辆, 包括摩托车, 汽车摩托车, 学生和大学员工在学校使用或停放的轻便摩托车必须在停车服务部门登记.


学生贴花许可证必须永久贴在前挡风玻璃内侧(车辆驾驶员一侧)。. 摩托车和轻便摩托车贴花许可证必须永久贴在右前外叉管或后视镜. The parking permit must be removed from the vehicle when ownership changes. 停车服务 must be notified of the change in vehicle ownership.

如学生及员工有特别泊车需要,请联络本校以作特别安排.g. vehicle disabled, loading and unloading, etc.).

大学教师, 员工和学生因生病或受伤而有短期医疗状况,可以联系停车服务部门获得临时停车许可证. 本许可证允许在任何空间停车,除了国家批准的残疾人停车位和任何区域/空间被确定为保留停车位.

Lost parking permits should be reported to TUPD by calling 210-999-7070. 更换许可证的费用是20美元.



Accessible spaces are available in all Laurie Auditorium levels; Lots A, D, E, F, G, L, P, Q, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, CV, 和海蒂圈.  A TU parking permit or 澳门金沙线上赌博官网协会 permit is required.



If you are a current student or employee and feel that a citation is unwarranted, file an appeal online within 14 days from the ticket issuance date through MyParking. Once the appeal has been reviewed, you will receive a response by e-mail.

如果最初的上诉被驳回, the next level in the appeal process is through the Parking and Traffic Committee. Instructions to submit this appeal are included in the response e-mail. Once the appeal has been reviewed, you will receive a response by e-mail.



我是否需要经常出示许可证, even if my vehicle is already registered with 停车服务?

是的. 所有已登记的车辆在停在学校物业内时,必须随时出示有效的许可证.

Who should I ask to get correct information as to where to park?

Ask any member of 停车服务 and TUPD, or refer to “我可以在哪里停车?”.

Are state and local traffic and parking laws and regulations enforced on campus?



定期在校园内停车的未登记上课或未受雇于学校的人. 经常出入校园的人(每周至少一次)不被视为访客,需要购买停车许可证.

Is open parking allowed during semester and holiday breaks?

No. Parking lot restrictions will remain in effect throughout the school year,包括 semester breaks and during holiday breaks.


Parking in Alamo Stadium is allowed between certain hours Monday through Friday. Parking overnight and on weekends is not allowed.

If I need to “run a quick errand” in a building, is it okay to park in the closest handicapped, 防火线, or reserved space with my emergency flashers on?

No. The use of emergency flashers does not “exempt” a person from parking restrictions. These parking areas are created for the purpose for which they are designed. Strict enforcement must be maintained in these areas for the safety of others.

If I live off campus, can I park in a visitor space?

No. 校外学生不被视为访客,必须购买许可证并在学生地段/空间停车.


您可以联系TUPD(24小时非紧急电话210-999-7070)或使用任何蓝光电话并要求护送.  These phones are located throughout the campus. 参见Say移动应用 is a powerful safety tool that allows users to call TUPD, 报告校园周边事件, 并获得安全护送服务. Download the See Say App at the Apple App Store or on Google 玩.  Once downloaded, select 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 from the list of organizations.